
Money Matters: Why Men May Struggle Professionally After Divorce

Divorce can be a complicated and emotionally challenging experience, but for men it can also take a significant toll on their professional lives. Men are more likely to suffer a loss of earnings after a divorce than women, as studies have shown that their careers can suffer long-term implications. It is a harsh reality, but […]

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Revolutionize Your Phone Plan and Budget Separately for a Happier Marriage

Are you and your partner tired of fighting over the phone bill each month? It can put a strain on any marriage or even dating relationship. In order to keep your budget and marriage happy, you need to revolutionize your phone plan and budget separately. By having separate phone plans, you can avoid arguments about

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Heartbreak Hotel: Checking In After a Devastating Breakup

Breakups are never easy. No matter how long the relationship lasted, it’s always hard to accept that it’s really over. For some, the pain of a breakup can be so overwhelming that it feels like nothing will ever be the same. If you’re struggling to make it through the aftermath of a devastating breakup, you’re

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Overcoming Jealousy: Saving Your Marriage Before Divorce Becomes an Option

No one should have to go through the devastating experience of a divorce because of jealousy. It can be heart-wrenching to watch a marriage unravel as a result of jealousy and it can be even more difficult for the man who pushed his wife away in the process. However, it doesn’t have to be too

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