Who Pays for What in a Wedding?

Married couple having fun.

Planning a wedding can be both exciting and overwhelming. It’s a major milestone for couples and their families, and an important part of the marriage journey. As with any relationship, there are many aspects to consider when it comes to who pays for what in a wedding. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at the traditional roles and expectations for each party involved when it comes to wedding finances.

The Bride’s Parents

When it comes to a wedding, the bride’s parents often bear most of the financial burden. Traditionally, they are responsible for the cost of the ceremony and reception, including catering, decorations, music, and photography. They also may pay for any bridal gowns, flowers, invitations, and transportation for the wedding party. Even when the couple pays for some or all of their own wedding expenses, the bride’s family may still be expected to make a contribution.
If the couple is already living together or has been dating for an extended period before marriage, the bride’s parents may contribute less financially as the couple may already have some of the items traditionally provided by the bride’s family. Conversely, if the couple has had a short dating history or a breakup in their relationship leading up to marriage, the bride’s parents may be more likely to invest more in their daughter’s wedding. Likewise, in cases of remarriage or divorce, the bride’s parents may be asked to provide more financial support than would be typical of first-time weddings.
No matter what the circumstances of the wedding are, it is important to discuss expectations ahead of time so everyone is on the same page regarding who is paying for what. Having an open dialogue can help ensure that there is no awkwardness or financial misunderstandings throughout the wedding planning process.

The Groom’s Parents

While the bride’s parents may be footing much of the bill for the wedding, that doesn’t mean that the groom’s parents are off the hook. It is traditional for the groom’s parents to pay for certain elements of the wedding, although the amount they contribute and what they contribute can vary depending on their relationship with their son and daughter-in-law.

Typically, the groom’s parents are expected to contribute to the cost of the rehearsal dinner, and to help with any other expenses related to the wedding such as flowers, transportation or lodging for out-of-town guests. They may also be asked to cover certain honeymoon costs, and might even chip in for the bride’s dress or veil.

The groom’s parents may choose to pay for more than this if their relationship with their son and his fiancée is strong and they want to support them in their marriage. However, if the couple has only been dating for a short time, or if there have been issues such as Breakup or Divorce in either family recently, it may be less likely that the groom’s parents will contribute more than the traditional amount.

At the end of the day, who pays for what in a wedding should be discussed between both families and come to an agreement that is comfortable for all parties involved. It’s important to remember that a wedding is a celebration of love and the start of a new Relationship.

The Couple

While traditionally, parents cover the bulk of wedding costs, couples are increasingly taking responsibility for their own big day. This can be a great way to solidify the relationship and create an experience that truly reflects the couple’s love and values.

If you choose to take on some of the financial burden, be sure to discuss it with your partner ahead of time. Plan a budget together and come to an agreement about how much each person will contribute. This will help ensure that no one feels taken advantage of and prevent any conflicts down the road that could lead to a potential breakup or divorce.

Finally, remember that it is a special day for you and your partner that should signify the beginning of a wonderful marriage. Regardless of who pays for what, focus on creating memories that will last a lifetime!


Planning a wedding can be a stressful and time-consuming endeavor, but with a clear understanding of which parties are responsible for paying for what, couples can make the process much smoother. The bride’s parents typically take on the majority of the wedding costs, while the groom’s parents and the couple will also contribute. Though wedding costs can be daunting, couples should remember that a wedding is only the first step in their married life together. Spending time together while dating and preparing for marriage will ensure that your relationship is built to last, rather than one that’s doomed to end in a breakup or divorce. If you need any further guidance in planning your wedding, don’t hesitate to reach out to Coach Brad for assistance.