March 2022

Real Reason Your Wife Lost Interest In Your Marriage

The Real Reason Your Wife Lost Interest In Your Marriage and You

Are women born to cheat? I was talking to a friend who has a wife and a son. Another friend who is marriage with three kids. Both have had affairs outside their marriages. Now, as you can see, they are not exceptions to society.   Many women engage in extramarital relationships or, at least, flirtations. […]

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Shiny Object Syndrome – Are you suffering from this?

Giving up on the process of saving your marriage The shiny object syndrome is a very common experience among married couples who are struggling with their relationship.   This happens when someone gets excited about something new and forgets about their past efforts to save their marriage. They feel that they can leave it behind

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Picking Up Or Dropping Off Your Children To Your Ex

5 Tips When Picking Up Or Dropping Off Your Children To Your Ex

1) Think about the logistics Logistics are huge in divorce situations. Think about what time of day works best for everyone and try to stick to it. Kids can get really confuse if they have different rules and schedules when they’re with each parent. So you’ll want to minimize confusion by always doing things at

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