If you’ve recently gone through a divorce or breakup, you may be wondering how to seal your divorce records. Sealing divorce records can help protect your privacy, keep personal information secure, and prevent unwanted access to sensitive documents. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the steps you need to take in order to seal your divorce records.
Why Would I Want to Seal My Records?
Many people choose to seal their divorce records for a variety of reasons, particularly when the marriage ended on unfavorable terms. After all, a divorce is a difficult experience, and the accompanying court documents can contain details that many people would like to keep private. Sealing the divorce records allows them to keep certain information about their past relationship, marriage, and breakup under wraps. Sealing your records may also be beneficial if you are in the dating scene and don’t want your potential partners to know about your divorce. It can be difficult to open up about your marital status, so sealing your records may be an ideal way to keep your personal information confidential while protecting your privacy. Sealing your records can also help you maintain a positive image in the eyes of future employers and other institutions who may come across the court documents.
What Does it Mean to Seal My Records?
When it comes to a divorce, sealing records is a way of protecting the privacy of both parties involved. Sealing records means that all documents related to the marriage, breakup, and divorce are not accessible to the public. This includes any court filings, settlements, and judgments. It also means that any personal information related to the relationship, such as the date of marriage or dating history, is not available for public viewing. By sealing records, both parties can keep their private lives confidential and protect themselves from further harm due to the details of the divorce being made public.
How Do I Request That My Records be Sealed?
The process of sealing your divorce records can vary slightly by state, but in most cases it requires a written request to the court where the marriage was dissolved. This request should include the names of both parties, the date of marriage, the date of the breakup or divorce, and the reason for requesting that the record be sealed.
Depending on the state, you may need to file a motion or petition with the court to have your records sealed. In this document you’ll explain why you want your records sealed and why they should be protected. You might explain that your divorce was an amicable one and that your dating and relationship status is now private. Alternatively, you might cite personal safety concerns if your former spouse has a history of violence.
If you’re considering filing a petition to seal your records, you should strongly consider consulting a family law attorney. They’ll be able to provide advice on the process and help guide you through the steps. Having a lawyer can also increase your chances of having your petition granted by the court.
What Happens if My Request is Denied?
If your request to have your divorce records sealed is denied, you can still protect your privacy. The records of your divorce will remain public and anyone may access them, however, it is possible to limit who has access to the details of your marriage, breakup, or divorce. You can ensure that information such as addresses, social security numbers, and financial statements are not included in the record. This can help minimize the risk of identity theft or other forms of abuse or exploitation by those who might be interested in your dating or relationship history. Additionally, if someone searches for your name, they won’t see any information about the specifics of your divorce.
Should I Hire an Attorney?
Deciding whether or not to hire an attorney to help you seal your divorce records can be a difficult decision. If you are considering sealing your divorce records, it may be beneficial to consult an attorney to ensure that all paperwork is properly filed and that the process is completed correctly. An experienced attorney will be able to advise you on the best legal options available to you, as well as guide you through the process from beginning to end.
Having an attorney handle the sealing of your records can be helpful in cases where the marriage was particularly contentious or you have had a complicated relationship with your former partner since the breakup. An attorney may also be able to assist if the divorce proceedings were contentious and the other party contests the filing for sealing. In addition, having an attorney involved may help you protect your privacy if your records become subject to any dating or marriage background checks.
Sealing your records is an important step in regaining privacy after a divorce or break up, so hiring an attorney can ensure that the process is carried out properly and that your rights are protected. By having an experienced lawyer review your situation and advise you on how best to proceed, you can rest assured that you have taken all necessary steps to seal your divorce records.
Going through a divorce is an emotionally difficult process. Even when the process is finalized, the paperwork associated with it can remain a constant reminder of the marriage, breakup, and divorce. Securing your privacy and security by sealing your divorce records can provide a sense of closure and the ability to move forward. If you are considering sealing your divorce records, it is important to understand all the legal requirements, regulations, and potential costs. If you would like more information or have further questions about sealing your divorce records, reach out to an experienced attorney or contact Coach Brad who specializes in helping people navigate the complexities of dating, relationships, and marriage after a breakup or divorce.
Bradley Prouting