What Happens to the House When You Get a Divorce?

Man going through divorce

Divorce is a difficult decision that can have a lasting impact on both parties involved in the marriage. As part of the process, one of the most important questions that couples must address is what happens to the house when they decide to go their separate ways. In this blog post, we will explore the various ways a house can be handled during the divorce process.

The Process of Dividing Property

When it comes to divorce, the process of dividing property can be complicated. In some states, the assets that have been accumulated during a marriage are divided equally between the parties. This is known as an “equitable” or “fair” division of property. Other states use a different system which is based on the particular circumstances of each case. When dividing property during a divorce, the court will look at any prenuptial agreements that were made as well as any assets that were acquired by either spouse before or during the marriage.

When it comes to dividing the home, courts will typically take into account factors such as how much each party contributed financially and emotionally to the marriage and how much each party earned during the marriage. The court will also look at any debts associated with the home, such as mortgages and loans, and who is responsible for paying those debts. Depending on the state in which you reside, the court may also consider factors such as the length of the marriage, any special needs of either party, and if either spouse has committed adultery.

No matter what your state’s law is regarding property division, it is important to remember that in most cases the court will not divide any property or assets in a way that leaves one spouse with more than the other. It is important for each spouse to get their fair share of the assets and debts acquired during the marriage.

The Value of the Home

When a marriage or relationship ends in divorce, one of the most important considerations is what happens to the home. In many cases, the marital home will be the most valuable asset that needs to be divided between the parties. Determining the value of the home is a crucial part of the process and can have an impact on the rest of the divorce settlement.

In some cases, the couple may be able to agree on the value of the house between themselves. They might hire an appraiser to assess it objectively and determine its value. If they can’t reach an agreement on the home’s value, they may need to go to court. The court will typically order an appraisal and then make a ruling based on the findings.

The value of the home will also play a role in determining who gets to stay in the house if the couple can’t agree. In most cases, it’s simpler for one party to keep the home while the other moves out. However, if the value of the house isn’t enough to cover both parties’ needs and wants, it might not be feasible for either of them to stay.

Who Gets to Stay in the Home?

When it comes to divorce, one of the key assets to consider is the marital home. If there are no children involved, the decision of who gets to stay in the home is often determined through negotiation between the divorcing parties or through the court system.

If there are children involved, the court will usually award the home to the custodial parent so that the children can maintain stability in their home lives. In some cases, the other parent will be granted visitation rights and may even have to contribute to the cost of maintaining the home.

When determining who gets to stay in the home during a divorce, courts will generally consider factors such as who is listed on the deed, who has been paying the mortgage, who contributed financially to the purchase of the home, and who has been living in the home for an extended period of time.

If an agreement cannot be reached between the two spouses, the court may decide who gets to stay in the home by dividing it equitably. This means that each spouse will receive a share of the property based on what each person contributed.

No matter how the court decides who gets to stay in the home during a divorce, it is important to remember that it is just one asset out of many that must be divided. It is important to get legal advice and speak with a qualified attorney in order to ensure your rights are protected during the process of a divorce.


No matter the circumstances, divorcing a spouse can be an emotionally difficult process. The division of property, especially when it involves the home, can be a source of conflict. Both spouses should have a clear understanding of their rights and obligations during the divorce process. It is important to consider not just the financial value of the home, but also the emotional investment that each spouse has in the home. If you still have questions about what happens to the house in a divorce, it is important to contact a professional for assistance. Relationships can be complicated and difficult to navigate through, but Coach Brad and his team are here to help. They are experienced and knowledgeable in both marriage and divorce and can provide personalized guidance to help you reach an outcome that is fair for both parties.