What Divorce Does to a Child

divorce family

Divorce is a difficult transition for everyone involved, but its impact on a child can be especially traumatic. When parents decide to end their marriage, it can cause a wide range of emotions in the children involved. From sadness and grief to confusion and anger, the effects of divorce on a child’s mental and emotional well-being can be lasting. In this blog post, we will look at some of the ways divorce can affect a child and what steps parents can take to help their child through this process.

The impact of divorce on children

Divorce is never an easy thing to go through, and unfortunately, it has a tremendous effect on children. While divorce is typically initiated by the couple’s decision to end the marriage, it can still be a heartbreaking experience for children. They may feel as if their relationship with one or both parents has changed, or that the family structure is no longer the same. Divorce can lead to feelings of confusion, sadness, loss, and anger in children. It can also impact their school performance and emotional well-being.

When couples go through a breakup or divorce, it can cause a lot of turmoil in a child’s life. From having to adjust to living in two separate homes, to seeing parents dating other people, it can be difficult for them to process. They may feel that they are somehow responsible for their parents’ decision to end their relationship. This could lead to guilt, anxiety, and low self-esteem.

In addition to the emotional toll of divorce on children, there can also be physical implications. They may experience headaches, stomach aches, and even changes in sleeping or eating habits. Divorce can disrupt all areas of a child’s life and development, so it’s important to provide support and guidance during this time.

How to help your child cope with divorce

Divorce can be a traumatic experience for children. The breakup of a marriage is an event that is difficult for any family to cope with, especially when there are young children involved. It’s important to keep in mind that even though the couple is separating, the relationship between the parents and the child will remain intact.

When it comes to helping your child cope with divorce, communication is key. Being open and honest with them about what is going on will help them feel more secure in the midst of change. Try to focus on expressing your feelings instead of putting blame on either parent. Explain that while the marriage or relationship has ended, you still love your child very much and that the divorce was not their fault.

It’s also helpful to explain to your child what the process of divorce looks like and the different stages it may involve. Give them reassurance that you and their other parent will both be there for them no matter what. Let them know that it’s ok to talk about their feelings, even if it’s negative emotions such as anger, sadness, and fear.
If appropriate, you can also discuss the potential for dating again in the future with your child. Let them know that their other parent might start a new relationship at some point but remind them that this does not mean they will love the child any less.

Finally, be sure to provide a safe and supportive environment for your child throughout the divorce process. This may involve regularly scheduled activities such as seeing friends, playing sports, or engaging in arts and crafts. Most importantly, remember to spend quality time with your child so they can feel connected and know they are loved during this time of transition.

How to talk to your children about divorce

Divorce can be a difficult and overwhelming experience for children, especially if they are unaware of the changes that will take place. It’s important to talk to your kids about divorce in an age-appropriate way so they understand the situation and the changes that will come.

First and foremost, it is important to be honest and open with your children. Explain to them what divorce is and why it happens, while emphasizing that it isn’t their fault. Let them know that marriage is a relationship between two people who love each other, but sometimes couples don’t stay together.

It is important to explain to your kids that divorce doesn’t have to mean that they will no longer have both parents in their life. Reassure them that they will still see both mom and dad as often as before, if possible. Let them know that even though their parents aren’t a couple anymore, they will still continue to be loving and supportive parents.

Also, try to avoid speaking badly about the other parent. This may be difficult, but it’s important for kids to maintain a positive relationship with both parents. If your child has questions about dating or marriage in the future, let them know that there are different types of relationships, and it is okay to take things slow.

Talking to your children about divorce can be challenging, but it is important to make sure they understand the situation and know that they can rely on you for support.


Divorce can be an incredibly difficult experience for children, especially if they are old enough to understand the implications of what is happening. It’s important to remember that every family’s situation is different, and there is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to deal with the aftermath of divorce. If you and your children are struggling with the impact of a breakup or divorce, it might be helpful to speak to a professional who can help provide guidance and support. At Coach Brad, we specialize in helping couples and families navigate through the complexities of dating, relationships, marriage and divorce. Our team can provide the insight and understanding needed to help couples move through a breakup or divorce in a way that is beneficial for all involved. Reach out to us today if you have any further questions or concerns about navigating the process of divorce.